
Finalized Accounts of Investment Project

Auditing, Auditing Activities Funding & Capital Construction is one of the outstanding activities of A & C. The services that we have been offering and are available to customers in all areas of the country

Finalized Accounts of Investment Project

Auditing, Auditing Activities Funding & Capital Construction is one of the outstanding activities of A & C. The services that we have been offering and are available to customers in all areas of the country include:

  • The auditor determines the value of the Estimate, the value of the final settlement of the investment project:
    •  Civil works (Apartment, Apartment, Hotel, Office)
    • Transportation works (bridges, airports, ports ...)
    • Industrial projects, especially power industry (hydropower, thermal power ...)
    • Agriculture, Irrigation ...
    • Other types of structures
  • Appraise the value of assets such as houses, land, machinery and equipment, means of transport ...
  • Determine the value of the enterprise serving the purpose of equitization
  • Investment consultancy and capital construction.

Services implemented on the basis of complying with the current regulations of the State on management of capital construction investment for projects of foreign investment, domestic investment, Existence, rationality and marketability..

Audited Reports will help you complete the procedures and approvals for the final settlement of the investment capital, the final settlement value of the construction investment before the facility is put into use, The above services will provide you with reliable information and documents on selecting your investment partner and for the purposes of mortgage, transfer, equitization, dissolution, Bankruptcy Law firm.